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Though the club began in 1979, no official records have been kept over the years as to biggest fish caught during the Jolly Hookers events (derbies, NDOs, and special events where there is official weighing of fish caught). Beginning in 2015, records were kept and here are the biggest fish in the various categories:

Kokanee –Bob Schmidt, 8/12/16 Lake Oroville – 3.07 lbs

Landlocked SalmonGary Voet, 6/25/19 Lake Oroville – 4.82 lb. King

Mackinaw -- Bob Schmidt,  8/21/18 Union Valley -- 6.6 lbs

River Salmon – . Bob Schmidt   10/16/2018  Sacramento River  26.15 lbs

Striped Bass – Dan Vasquez, 4/12/16  Delta  –  24 lbs

Trout – Alex Alexander, 3/17/15 Camanche Reservoir – 9.15 lbs

Size isn’t important….unless you’re a fisherman.